Thursday, October 30, 2008

Funny quote

In my desperation of posts, I came across a funny quote that Obama said. I am not saying that I am against or for mcCain or Obama , I just thought it was pretty funny.
" We live in the greatest country in the world. I hope you will join with me to change it" :)
More posts coming this week..


Anonymous said...

THAT IS PEE-YOUR-PANTS HILARIOUS!!! He's such a genious isn't he???? The leaders are country has... i feel so safe. Lol. Look forward to your other posts!

Max :) said...


john papworth said...

hahaha, i wish you would send that in to CNN or something. super funny!

Me said...

why cant i post a pic???

ok, so most hilarious thing i've ever seen:

Max :) said...

Thats so funny!!:)

Max :) said...

Thats so funny!!:)